Sonja's 4 Targets

These images are published under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

This series was created in August and September of 2017. One bonus image was tagged on the end in December of that same year.

Sonja (SonnFtM) actually volunteered back in July of 2016, but at that time I was so backed up with art I had planned to create that I wasn't taking on new volunteers. I did, however take notes, and in March of 2017, she started making appearances in stories focused on other characters. This was my first chance to really put her in the spotlight.


  1. I can't remember all the trashy comments I made about Sonja in this story, but I do remember the one I said on the third from last: "Say goodnight, you murdering sack of worm food."

    1. Oh no, Tess, how cruel of you ... SOB! SOB!

      P.S. Kinky LOL! :-)

  2. Mmm, DNeil, what a sexy, erotic treat this was to view again! Oooh, i just love playing a merciless killer ... and then finally, one day getting my own erotically, humiliatingly cum-uppance! Just shudderingly SUPERB!!! Thank you! xxxx

  3. Always a pleasure see Sonia of Sonny in action.


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