After the Last Gasp

These images are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

I created this picture on December 23, 2020, of Stephy getting done by Dean, after she's done... really done. Then I created four more for what comes next and added them to this post on January 18, 2021.


  1. Dean is SO mean...but i'm too dead to make a scene... x_x Amazing picture! This close to Christmas, I expected to be sitting on Santa's lap, whispering what I want for Christmas... not sitting dead on Dean's lap as he whispers sweet nothings into my ear!

    1. Thank you so much. Would it help if Dean wore a Santa suit, or at least the beard? 😉

    2. hehe yes i think so... well either way he's definitely "stuffing my stocking" :P

  2. Wow, that's so kinkily erotic! Love the thong dangling from her toe ... very sexy! :-)


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