Simple Iray Lighting

These images are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

I decided to make a little tutorial on how to do some simple lighting for smoother and quicker renders in Iray. I hope I also managed to make it entertaining.

It's worth noting that these pictures were all rendered on an iMac that does not have a Nvidia graphics card, which I think Iray is optimized for, so I think everything gets done by the CPU instead of the GPU. I think someone trying this with a reasonable Nvidia card would see better performance.


  1. Oooh, that is MOST informative; thanks! And funnily sexy too! :-) xxxx

    Poor Niella offering herself to get chloroformed by that sneaky Dee ... AWESOME!!! He! He!

    Must say you are a BORN TEACHER! I'm nominated you for BEST TEACHER OF THE YEAR! LOL! xoxo

    1. Thank you so very much.

      Dee: I don't know that I can say that Niella offered herself for the chloroform part, but she did say I could help, so really, what did she expect?

  2. Replies
    1. Oh good! I was hoping this would be entertaining as well as instructional. 😃


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