Another Auction

These images are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

I just made a new avatar for Janet (TomboyJanet) using the G8 figure as a base, and I really think it's an improvement over the original avatar I created. I hope Janet will agree. I decided to reenact a scene from Janet and Emma are Taken, but this time using the new Janet. I also replaced Emma with Billie the Brat, and rendered with iRay and new lights instead of the old 3Delight.


  1. Their situation gets even worse when you can see who the buyers are...

    1. Oh yes, quite collection creeps doing the bidding.

  2. Mmm, Sonny & I might put in a bid too ... He! He! 😈 😄

    1. How many quatloos can you afford to bid on the pair? 😉


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